Feeling Stuck, Stalled & Frustrated? Try These 3 Practical Steps!

Written by: Abi Levine • January 31, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@siora18

Okay, so you have hit a wall! It seems like you keep feeling inspired and trying that thing, yet nothing seems to radically move the needle.

You’ve probably experienced some success (maybe even massive success!) but now there’s an invisible ceiling you just can’t seem to break through. 

You have done a ton of work on yourself and you’re not afraid of challenges… it FEELS like you’re doing all the right things. 

Yet you just KNOW you’re meant for more and that you’re secretly afraid if you don’t bust through this ceiling, you will never quite live up to your potential. 

And that would be… disappointing

You may be watching your income tick down. And maybe it’s just time. Or your patience. 

You may even feel lost at this point, knowing you need to take a step forward but not exactly sure which direction you should go in. 

You don’t want to waste time & energy. You don’t have any to spare! 

You’re ready for change and you want it NOW! 

Or… if possible… yesterday, please! 

What You THINK The Issue Is

Odds are, you probably think you’re doing something wrong; that something shifted in your behavior and you didn’t notice it, so you’re pouring over what you did when things “worked” and how it’s different now. Coming up empty… 

You wonder if it’s the economy. Everyone seems to think that there’s less money now than there was before COVID… maybe that’s it, you wonder (there’s not, btw. There’s four times MORE).  

Maybe it’s your avatar? Maybe they’ve changed and you haven’t changed with it. 

Maybe it’s your funnel. People aren’t interested in THIS particular sequence anymore… you’ve got to find the THING

Maybe it’s your messaging… are you somehow missing the main points you’re trying to communicate? are you still relevant to your audience? do they still need what you sell?? 

There’s a strong possibility you’re getting wrapped up in details that have you chasing your tail, leaving you exhausted, and without any real answers. 

What The ACTUAL Issue Is: You’ve Hit Your Upper Limit

The truth is, if you’re doing everything the same and it’s not working like it used to, you've probably hit your upper limit. 

Hang with me for a mo’. 

Our brain is incredibly deep and complex! And we only control about 5% of it (yeesh! I know right!). That leaves 95% in our unconscious mind (sometimes referred to as the subconscious). 

Our unconscious mind has one MAIN job and lots of other little jobs (like keeping you breathing, healing, regenerating, heart pumping… “small” things like that)...

Yet Its MAIN job is to KEEP. EVERYTHING. THE SAME. It’s protection. 

In science, it’s a fancy term called homeostasis and it is legit the strongest force known to humans. This is the innate drive to stay the same. 

When we do something new, the brain senses it as dangerous and goes on red alert to stop us. 

(I always picture the scene at the end of ‘Inside Out’ when the boy meets Riley for the first time) 

The thing is, the brain doesn’t check with us to see if the new thing is good or bad, planned or unplanned, part of our goals and business plan, or an unexpected disaster. 

It reads EVERY new thing as dangerous—even life-threatening. I’m not exaggerating! 

If you’ve seen ‘The Croods’ then Grug, the dad, is the most PERFECT example of the unconscious mind manifested in a movie. 

Grug says: “NEVER not be afraid” and “New is bad. 

You see something new…and then… YOU DIE!!”

THIS is EXACTLY how the unconscious operates on a day-to-day basis. 

So… the first thing to scan for when you’ve hit a ceiling or a block is “Has anything changed in the last little while?” 

Since you’re in business, the answer is definitely yes!

Now you might be wondering “Am I doomed to never get beyond this point?” … and the answer is NOT AT ALL.

There are steps for you to take, but we’ll get to those in a second…

What’s My Deal, Anyway?

I can ABSOLUTELY relate to this frustration. I have blasted through multiple iterations of the upper limit. I’m a single mom living just outside of Los Angeles with my 15-year-old daughter, Serafina. I grew up in a dark background of extreme abuse, suffering, and struggle, transitioning to foster care at the age of 12. The struggle didn’t stop as an adult. I was homeless four times in my twenties (as a single mom), was frequently without a car, and often lived on $25 a week for food. I know hard times and darkness, we are intimate acquaintances. 

There have been a TON of upper limits to get through to where I am today, living in a beautiful house, paying all my business and home expenses with passive investment income, with absolute freedom, working about 3 half days a week *AND HAPPY. LOVING IT!) I’m also good at what I do (I’m a Money Mindset and Manifestation Coach), as my clients have made over $1.4 Billion in the last 3 years—most of them started at less than $5,000 a month.

And you guys, I do this for a living and even I STILL hit upper limits. It’s unavoidable. 

So don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not broken. 

You can absolutely get through this irritation. 

Here’s how…  

How To Deconstruct The Upper Limit

Ultimately, to clear your upper limit entirely, there are certain beliefs you have to clear. 

  • about the world, 

  • about yourself, 

  • about your ability to juggle your business, your family, and relationships, 

  • about money, 

  • about deserving to be massively successful 

  • etc… 

The most effective way (bar none) is to use hypnotherapy or NLP to clear those beliefs. There’s a process called Timeline Therapy that can clear a belief that has been in your family for GENERATIONS (through epigenetic inheritance and DNA transference) in 15 mins or less. I’m NOT KIDDING! It’s miraculous! 

BUT right now… be extremely cautious when picking a practitioner to help you with this, as just because there are digital courses these days that cost $7 claiming to certify people in hypnotherapy and NLP… I highly recommend you don’t go down this path.

What Do You Do Right Now?

If you want to get started on moving through your upper limit TODAY, here are the top three steps I recommend: 

  1. Read or listen to The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks. IT’S FANTASTIC and he lists several exercises you can do to start chipping away at your upper limit. 

  2. When you have tasks that need to get done in order to move your needle and push your business forward (ESPECIALLY tasks that are feeling really heavy) and you KNOW what to do: DO THEM. Do whatever it takes to get them done. Set a timer for 10 mins at a time and just do small bite-sized pieces at a time. This is the on-the-ground practical action that will push your upper limit higher. Say to yourself ‘Yup! This is hard. But I can do hard things” and just get after it. 

  3. Download my free money mindset journal “Become A Money Magnet”. It’s got sneaky, easy-to-do writing exercises for each day that will keep chipping away at blocks and limitations while keeping you on track. It’s amazing, and I’m extremely proud of it. 

Before We Go… a Client Story I’m Sure You Can Relate To…

Brie was a stay-at-home mom with a photography business. 

Over time, she’d gotten less and less interested in leaving the house and watched her income plummet. She started to develop social anxiety. 

When we started working together, the first thing we tackled was her social anxiety. 

It was gone in one session (which isn’t typical, btw). 

Her income ticked up between our first and second sessions. 

Then we started rooting out her limiting beliefs about herself and business. 

Things like… 

  • “I’m not cut out for this”, 

  • “There isn’t enough time in the day to do everything that needs to get done”

  • “If I make more money, I’m going to have to spend more time away from my family”. 

One by one, we cleared her limiting beliefs and her income shot up. 

After 4 weeks it had doubled. 

After 8 weeks it had doubled again!

Over the next 12 months, her income went up to $17K a month, and she was working fewer hours, feeling less stressed, and spending more time with her family. 

It was beautiful to see.

Why do I share this? Because it shows what’s possible.

Brie, like all of us, had certain beliefs holding her back. It’s tough. At times, you feel like there’s no way forward; that you are stuck. Yet there is always a way forward, as Brie shows. 

The reality is… human-ing is hard, love. 

Your brain is TRYING to help by keeping you safe… it just doesn’t yet know that it’s actually derailing your progress. 

So stay the course and do the first three steps that I recommend: 

  1. Read The Big Leap 

  2. Just Do The Thing 

  3. Download Become a Money Magnet Journal and start using it 

Things will shift! It’s inevitable! 

You’ve got this! You can handle this! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll do just fine! It will be messy sometimes. It won’t be perfect. That’s totally fine!


About the Author


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Rachel Davis Humphries

Since 2016, I’ve provided elevated brand and web design for small businesses and entrepreneurs from my studio here in Charlotte, North Carolina. My mission is to breathe new life into your brand using my years of experience and intimate knowledge of the online service space, and then to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to quickly, easily, and affordably maintain it as your business continues to grow.


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